Monday, November 28, 2016

Open Aadhar center (आधार सेंटर केसे खोलें )

E-business planer:

Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has started various Aadhar Centers for Aadhar Enrollment in various cities and towns in India. UIDAI has set up Permanent Aadhar Centers as well as Temporary Aadhar Centers in India. Both Enrollment Centers are set up by UIDAI after following the necessary guidelines as per the norms.

If you are interested to open an Aadhar Card Center in your Area or City, you will have to read and follow the issued guidelines by UIDAI.

Who Can Start An Aadhar Center?

Aadhar Enrollment Center can be set up by Enrollment Agencies by the permission of UIDAI. The EA works for setup Aadhar Enrollment Centers across the country.

Who is Enrollment Agency (EA)?

Enrollment Agencies are set up the UIDAI for undertaking the demographic and biometric data collection for Aadhar Card Enrollment of Indian citizens. They work around the country.

Who is Involved in Setup of Aadhar Enrollment Center?

To set up an Authorised Aadhar Card Enrollment Center participation of below is necessary-

UIDAI (Unique Identification of India)
UIDAI provides guidelines to Registrar, verifies and approves the plans, provides certification of Biometric devices for setting up the Aadhar Enrollment Center.


The work of registrar is to identify the perfect location for Aadhar Enrollment Center. The registrar provides pre-enrollment data, prepares the Enrollment Station deployment plan.

Aadhar Enrollment Agency

The Enrollment Agency woks for setup the Aadhar Card Enrollment Center. The EA also arranges the required infrastructure to run an Aadhar Enrollment Center. The agency also arranges Staff including trained and certified operators and supervisors.

Steps to Setup an Aadhar Enrollment Center-

At first the Registrar identifies suitable locations for Aadhar Enrollment Centers, and actual number of Enrollment Centers required at the time.

Regional Office (RO) of UIDAI approves the Aadhar Center deployment plan.
Aadhar Enrollment Agency supplies Software and Hardware Devices which are necessary for Aadhar Card Enrollment of citizens.
After then Registrar loads KYR+ Application and provides Residents’ Pre-Enrollment Data and Beneficiary Database. He also checks Pin Code Data for its correctness and completeness.
UIDAI provides content to Registrar for awareness and publicity in citizens for Aadhaar Enrollment.
Registrar and Enrollment Agency creates awareness among citizens for Enrollment of Aadhaar.
Enrollment Agency ensures that how many Operators and Supervisors available in Aadhaar Enrollment Center.
Enrollment Agency on-boards operators, supervisors and introducers (OSI).
Enrollment Agency ensures the Aadhaar Center is ready.
Registrar audits the Enrollment site readiness as per the checklist.

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50 business you can easly start (IN English )

E-Business planer:-

(1)  Recruitment firm:

 With the unemployment rate increasing, there is a large demand for the recruitment firm. Starting this small business would require very low investment.

2)  Real estate consultant: 

With growing demand on real estate properties, starting a real estate consultant business would be a good option. I have seen the real estate consultants charging 1 to 2% as commission on the real estate property value which is finalized with the customer. This is a good idea for small business.

3)  Man power resourcing:

 Providing resources to the companies on need basis would be another good business idea. Little planning in terms of hiring is required; else this small business ideas would not be successful. Since India has large manpower resource, this is one of the good small business ideas in India that can be started.

4)  Kirana / Groceries delivery centre: 

This is one of the innovative idea to start small business. The business idea is here to deliver the kirana / groceries to the door step of the consumer with some additional charge. The kirana business + additional delivery centre option would be unique business and there is very good potential in this business.

5)  Book store:

 Opening a book store is good idea. It can include school books, stationery or general management books etc., Thought this has become common business idea, people are finding this method as a old business idea. Innovative methods in this business idea can lead to good income.

6)  Custom made festival gifts: 

Have you observed the special gifts during festival seasons? You can try any innovative methods of preparing gifts for the festivals. This is one of the best home based business ideas. This one of the good creative small business ideas.

7)  Mobile food court:

 People have become busy, they do not want to spend time in travelling to restaurants. Mobile food courts are becoming prominent these days which provides food facilities at good locations where there is potential business. Indian’s are good lovers, hence I feel it is one of the top small business ideas in India that can be started.

8)  Start your own blog / website:

 Start your own internet blog or website like the one I have started for Best investment options. This small business idea would cost you very low investment or you can even create a blog  /website for free. However you need to spend time every day or several hours a week to become successful in this business. This is one of the best small business ideas for women.

9)  Insurance agent:  

Insurance agent is another old business. However people still give lot of preference to insurance, hence this business idea is not going to get killed in the near future. There are ways to be successful as an insurance agent. This is one of the top business ideas for housewives. Since it can be started from anywhere, it is one of the good home based business ideas. One of the best small business ideas for men.

10) Gift articles shoppe:

 Start a shop which sells, Gift articles. This is another fast developing small business. I have seen success in such business idea when the shop is placed in a good location. This is one of the top small business ideas for women as they generally have more creativity then men :-). This is one of the creative small business ideas.

11) Event management:

 Event management business is fast growing business. If you have good networking and you can move things quickly, then you could be successful in this small business.

12) Start your online internet business like selling on eBay:

 Have you ever tried any internet business like selling on eBay. There are several simple steps to follow to become successful in eBay business. There are good options in this business like you need not own any goods, but you can sell them directly to customers. What a good idea. This is one of the best small business ideas from home.

13) Train people on what you are expert in: 

This is one of the excellent small business ideas. Starttraining the people, what you are expert in. Become more expert while you teach. If someone asks me to talk about good investments or business ideas, I can talk for nonstop 5 to 6 hours. If you have such skill, you could be a winner in this business in the area which you are expert.

14) Ice cream shop business: 

Gone are the days where people used to think that ice cream demand is only in summer. Opening an ice cream parlor / shop would be a good idea for small business which would run through all the seasons.

15) Chocolate shop business: 

This is a new and fast growing small business. Who does not like chocolate? This answers how successful the business would be.

16) SEO consultant: 

Search engine optimization consultant. Have you heard of this? There are several blogs or websites which are getting created every day. However how many are sustaining. More than 80% of them are getting buried within few months. This is due to lack of knowledge on how to market the blog and improve the rankings. Learning the SEO would take 1 to 3 months time frame, but there are enormous opportunities once you have become expert in SEO.

17) Yoga instructor:

 This would be a good idea for women and senior citizens or college students who want to spend few hours and want to make money.

18) Wedding planner:

 This is also one among the fast growing small business ideas. Good networking skills and skills on making things happen, are required to be successful in this business.

19) Jewellery maker: 

Do you love gold? Then why not get trained as jewellery maker which would take 3 to 5 months and start this business? Indian women loves Jewellery. This could be one of the high successful small business ideas in India. This is one of the best home based business ideas.

20) Interior designer: 

People preferring to live in a rich life style by interior decoration at home as well as office. There is good demand for interior designers. This is one among the sure shot good small business ideas.

These are some of the best small business ideas to start from small towns in India. I am giving small scale business list for quick check.

21) Clothing Industry

22) Poultry Industry

23) Ceramics Business

24) Sports Products Manufacturing business

25) Leather manufacturing industry

26) Glass Products manufacturing industry

27) Wood Products

28) Paper products manufacturing (best home based business ideas)

29) Handicrafts industry

30) Food Products

31) Custom made gift store

32) Online Kiran Shop

33) Freelance Writer

34) Online Book Store

35) Recruitment firm

36) Start a website / online blog

37) Web designing: 

There are several free themes, however they can be customized with few changes and can be sold at fees.

38) Creative gift articles shop

39) Create mobile apps with simple steps and sell them to start-up companies who cannot afford for high cost

40) Investment advisor: 

You can work as advisor and earn good comissions. However you need to understand various investment options like stocks, mutual funds, bonds, IPO’s, fixed deposits etc.,
41) Mutual fund agent:

 You can pass AMFI certification and join as mutual fund agent and start promoting mutual fund schemes. You can earn upto 1% of the total investment as commission every year.
42) Coaching centre: 

These days education has become costly. Parents want their child to be educated in competitive environment. Opening coaching centers for school students and graduate centres has enourmous opportunities.
43)  Nutrionist:

 These days many of us are concerned about our good habits. You can do small course as nutrionist and start advicing people about health tips. You can map this as part time and earn good money on evenings and on weekends. This is one of the Innovative business Ideas for women.

44) Grocery delivery service:

 Every one has become busy in life. Every one want to spend whatever time left in their life without spending time on regular buying of groceries. You can encash by delivery groceries delivery service and charge amount

45) Resume writing:

 There are several students / employees who are struggling to write good resumes. You can make out some skills and start resume writing service

46) Online plumber works: 

This is unique business idea which is not yet implemented in India. You can assemble few of plumbers and start online plumber works. Customers can call on a toll free number and you can provide this service and make out good money. This is one of the nice creative small business ideas for men.

47) Upcycled furniture business: 

People are preferring to take upcycled furniture these days. You can try learning the tips and start this business

48) Personality development coach: 

Many parents including me are looking for this kind of service. If you have personality development tips, you can start offering this. You can spend an hour with students / employees and develop their communication, inter-personal skills etc.

49) Selling plans / Creating plants nurser

50) Home Painter: 

Last month, I had done paintings for my house and paid a hefty fees to the painter. He just visits our house, put a plan and gives the estimation. Remaining activities are taken care by his team. 

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घर पर खोले बैंक मोदी जी देगे साथ (Open bank at home)

मोदी सरकार देगी साथ घर में खोलिए बैंक, 30 हजार रुपये प्रति माह कमाइए

E-Business planer:- अगर आप घर बैठे मिनी बैंक खोलना चाहते हैं। तो प्रधानमंत्री जनधन योजना आपके लिए एक बेहतर विकल्‍प हो सकता है। इसके जरिए आप शहर से लेकर गांवों में बैंकिंग की सारी सुविधांए दे सकेंगे और इसके एवज में आपको हर महीने 50-60 हजार रुपये कमा सकते हैं।

(1) क्‍या-क्‍या सर्विसेज दे सकेंगे आप

गौरतलब है कि प्रधानमंत्री जनधन योजना के तहत सभी बैंक ज्‍यादा से ज्‍यादा कस्‍टमर बनाने के लिए बैंक मित्र की नियुक्‍ित कर रहे हैं। ऐसे में आप खुद बैंक मित्र बन सकते हैं या फिर एक कस्‍टमर सर्विस प्‍वॉइंट खोल सकते हैं जिसमें कि कई बैंक मित्र आपके साथ जुड़ सकते हैं। इसमें आप जो सर्विस दे सकते हैं वो ये हैं...

1. सेविंग बैंक एकाउंट खोलना
2. आरडी और एफडी एकाउंट
3. कैश डिपॉजिट और विथड्रॉल सर्विस
4. ओवरड्रॉफ्ट
5. किसान क्रेडिट इश्‍यू करना
6. इंश्‍योरेंस प्रोडक्‍ट और म्‍युचुअल फंड प्रोड्क्‍ट की बिक्री
7. पेंशन एकाउंट

(2) इस तरह होगी कमाई

मिनी बैंक खोलने के बाद आपको घर बैठे हजारों रुपये मिलने लगेंगे। इसमें दो तरह से कमाई की जा सकती है। जिस बैंक से आप जुड़ेंगे वह आपको प्रति महीना एक फिक्‍स सैलरी देगी। इसके बाद आपके जरिए कस्‍टमर को जो भी बैंकिंग सर्विसेज मुहैया कराई जाएंगी उस पर आपको कमीशन अलग से मिलेगा। कुल मिलाकर आपको हर महीना 50-60 हजार रुपये मिल सकते हैं। 

(3) कहां खोलना चाहते हैं

कस्‍टमर सर्विस प्‍वॉइंट खोलने के लिए आपके पास शहर, कस्‍बें और गांव हर जगह मौका मिल सकता है। सिटी में यह वार्ड के आधार पर खोले जाते हैं जबकि गांवों में बैंक अपने एरिया के आधार पर बैंक मित्र और कस्‍टमर सर्विस प्‍वॉइंट सेलेक्‍ट करते हैं।  

(4) बैंक से कैसे जुड़ें

अगर आप कस्‍टमर सर्विस प्‍वॉइंट खोलना चाहता है या बैंक मित्र बनना चाहता है। तो इसके लिए आपको ज्‍यादा परेशान होने की जरूरत नहीं। किसी भी अधिकृत बैंक के पास जाकर डायरेक्‍ट डील कर सकते हैं। इसके अंतर्गत पब्‍लिक और प्राइवेट सेक्‍टर दोनो बैंक आती हैं।

(5) सर्विस प्‍वॉइंट पर क्‍या चाहिए सामान 

कस्‍टमर सर्विस प्‍वॉइंट खोलने या बैंक मित्र बनने के लिए आपके पास दो रूम की जगह होनी चाहिए। इसके अलावा कुछ सामानों की जरूरत पड़ेगी। जैसे - डेस्‍क्‍टॉप या लैपटॉप, इंटरनेट कनेक्‍टिविटी, स्‍क्‍ैनर और प्रिंटर।
F.B पेज लाइक करने के लिये दिये हुऐ लिंक पर क्लिक करे